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An Omega For Sale by Kess

Chapter 141
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Chapter 141

“Jessy be careful, you're going to mess up yourself and we don’t love the tto change your clothes again.”

Greyson said softly to the four years old

It had been three days since Clara gave the news of my pregnancy and | couldn't even begin to describe the kind

of high | was currently on if | were given the chance. This was certainly more pleasant than with Jessy’s

pregnancy where | was treated worse than | could explain.

Right now, | was the most pampered girl in the whole world and had Greyson to thank for that. He was elated

about the news and | could see the sparkle in his eyes every tthat they fell onto my stomach. His excitement

was contagious and it spread and affected myself and Jessy too.

When we had broken the news to the four years old she had decided to pat my stomach gently and did not stop

until three hours later when she grew very tired and her father had to plead with her to stop

Now for the first twe were going for a check up. Greyson had tried to make Clara do a house call but the

healer had insisted and claimed that she had better equipments that would helpat the pack’s clinic.

So here we were, all three of us, having breakfast before we headed out.

“Are you nervous?” Greyson asked but | didn’t answer immediately

| had not planned to have another child after Jessy and that was mainly because of the hurt and trauma that

surrounded my first pregnancy

but that was all changed now. Everything had changed including my previous reserve.

Was | nervous | mean | had lived with the knowledge that | was pregnant for three days now so the reality had

sunk by now but today was like a confirmation: | was going to be seeing my baby and I felt a little rattled about


“Yeah just a little bit.” | admitted and Greyson covered my small bands with his larger ones. An action that sent

comfort running through my entire body.

“It's okay. There's nothing to be worried about, everything is going to be fine. Con, go wait in the car while |

clean Jessy up” Greyson said and | gave him a smile which he returned before | was moving to the car.

And five minutes later we were on our way to the clinic. The drye was unusually quiet and that was surpresing

Jesay wasn’t anging neither was Greyson and there was no song playing in the background took. It unsettled me

but | was lou queasy to try to break the negative energy

But my beautiful child was soon breaking the silence

There we going mommy?” She asked

“| see the babies tuber. | told you. Do you remember?”

the knked confused for a couple of seconds which made in Leigh and then the sound of my laugher caused a

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simile to Icentes femt her face. We returned to strates the but was thick awkward as it had previously been


on our way to the ultosound room. | believed that the receptust had cut the live for in besause of Greyson the

death ware he had been giving her but he didn’t think and | didn’t argue with hum

“Alpha Greyson Erry it’s nice to as you both aguilara gred thewe entered the room.


10:32 Thu Jan 31

Chapter 141

Chapter 141


“Jessy be careful, you're going to mess up yourself and we don’t have the tto change your clothes again.”

Greyson said. softly to the four years old.

It had been three days since Clara gave the news of my pregnancy and | couldn't even begin to describe the kind

of high | was currently on if | were given the chance. This was certainly more pleasant than with Jessy’s

pregnancy where | was treated worse than | could explain.

Right now, | was the most pampered girl in the whole world and had Greyson to thank for that. He was elated

about the news and | could see the sparkle in his eyes every tthat they fell onto my stomach. His excitement

was contagious and it spread and affected myself and Jessy too.

When we had broken the news to the four years old she had decided to pat my stomach gently and did not stop

until three hours later when she grew very tired and her father had to plead with her to stop.

Now, for the first twe were going for a check up. Greyson had tried to make Clara do a house call but the

healer had insisted and claimed that she had better equipments that would helpat the pack’s clinic.

So here we were, all three of us, having breakfast before we headed out.

“Are you nervous?” Greyson asked but | didn’t answer immediately.

| had not planned to have another child after Jessy and that was mainly because of the hurt and trauma that

surrounded my first pregnancy but that was all changed now. Everything had changed including my previous


Was | nervous? | mean | had lived with the knowledge that | was pregnant for three days now so the reality had

sunk by now but today was like a confirmation. | was going to be seeing my baby and | felt a little rattled about


“Yeah just a little bit.” | admitted and Greyson covered my small hands with his larger ones. An action that sent

comfort running through my entire body.

“It's okay. There's nothing to be worried about, everything is going to be fine. Con, go wait in the car while |

clean Jessy up.” Greyson said and | gave him a smile which he returned before | was moving to the car.

And five minutes later we were on our way to the clinic. The drive was unusually quiet and that was surprising.

Jessy wasn't singing, neither was Greyson and there was no song playing in the background took. It unsettled me

but | was too queasy to try to break the negative energy.

But my beautiful child was soon breaking the silence.

“Where we going mommy?” She asked..

“To see the babies babe, | told you. Do you remember?”

She looked confused for a couple of seconds which madelaugh and then the sound of my laughter caused a

smile to form on her face. We returned to silence after then but it was no as thick or awkward as it had

previously been.

Thankfully we were soon walking into the clinic and in two minutes we were on our way to the ultrasound room. |

believed that the receptionist had cut the line for us because of Greysond the death stare he had been giving her

but he didn’t think so and | didn’t argue with him.

Alpha Greyson, Freya. It’s nice to see you both again.” Clars greeted the moment we entered the room.

10:32 Thu, Jan 30 GB *

Chapter 141

“And me?” Jessy asked, causing all of us to burst out into laughter

“Yes Jessy. And you honey.” Clara said and just like that the ice melted around us.


“How has it been Freya? Lay on this bed please.” Clara asked while pointing in the direction she wantedto


“It’s been great. | just get tired easily and feel sick a lot.”

“Okay raise your shirt so | can check your baby,”

The moment Clara said that, Greyson began releasing small growls and he inches closer to us.

“She's just trying to help babe. If you don’t let her then we'll never get to see the baby.” | said softly to him and |

watched as the fire gradually disappeared from his eyes and then he retreated back to his seat.

“I'm going to put this gel on your stomach. It’s a little cold.” Clara warned and true to her words the moment the

gel cin contact with my stomach, | hissed in reaction.

Clara pressed a small device to the area that she had squirted sgel on and then she began to move it

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around. A blurry grey image soon formed on the screen and | felt my heart skip two beats at the sight.

“Do you see that?” Clara asked and | squinted at the screen.

“Daddy wha tha?” | heard Jessy whisper to Greyson.

“It's a baby Jess!” He responded with an excitement that was unmatched.

“Babies actually.” Clara corrected.

| had expected to cand see my baby but | definitely had not expected to see two babies.

“There's one, and then this other one here. We can’t tell the genders yet because they are much too small but

they are going/ to be identical” Clara said, moving the device around my stomach to highlight what she was

trying to explain.

| couldn't tell if it was the pregnancy hormones or my real emotions but in that moment | felt more emotional

than | could explain. Tears began streaming out of my eyes and my blurry vision did not even allow forto see

Greyson moving towards my bed with Jessy in his arms.

After what felt like a couple of minutes of crying, Clara helpedwipe the gel off my stomach and then we all

left the ultrasound room and moved to her office.

Once we were all settled in, she began speaking.

“Everything looks fine at the moment. You're pretty small, no offense, so I'm a little worried about the twins but

as long as you keep up with your appointments and letknow of the slightest changes you feel then | think

you'll be fine. How are you feeling right now?”

“Tired. As usual. | feel heavy although it’s less than a month in, forand I'm just scared to live through that

again. | said soft

that worriesa little. Jessy’s pregnancy was very difficult and Greyson grabbed my hand to comfort me.

*Freya, | can assure you it's going to be much easier this time. You have Greyson and then Jessy and myself.

You're going to be just fine. The healer said and | smiled at her words.

She was right, | wasn't alone anymore and | had more than theree people she just mentioned. | had other friends

that? knew would helpthrough this.

*10:32 Thu, Jan 30 EE:

Chapter 141

That reminded me, | needed to tell Smith about my pregnancy


10:32 Thu, Jan 30 GG-

Chapter 142