Chapter 145
Chapter 145
Greyson’s POV:
Watching the absolute love of my life as she slept had to be one of the most peaceful and enjoyable things to
ever exist. Everything aroundfelt warm and fluffy and the intoxicating scent of Freya kept my entire frame
| reached out a hand and begun stroking Freya's swollen belly, the warmth of the skin there was blissful. | stifled
a laugh when the blonde haired woman groaned before she reached out hand to swipe at my troubling fingers.
| let her be, since | didn’t want to disturb her sleep. That would spell a lot of trouble for me. Instead | scooted
closer to her before bending to place a kiss on her forehead.
Her eyes moved behind her lids but she didn’t wake up, instead he smiled happily before sighing in what I could
only describe as bliss. | hoped that she was having the most pleasant dream in the world.
| couldn’t believe it even after Clara had confirmed Freya's pregnancy. For days and days after then, my mind
still spun with the information. But every tthat | caught sight of Freya's growing belly, it felt like it solidified it
more and more and now it was hard to ignore.
Jessy was my
first child but | missed the first crucial three years of her life, | missed the pregnancy, the delivery and that hurt
taround. | might not be able to go back in tand fix the past but | was determined to try and redeem
| loved Freya with all my heart.
It was hard to even explain how this had all happened, how the girl that | bought at the auction house because |
thought | recognized her scent, had turned out to be the most important girl in my life.
It wasn’t something that | would have ever imagined, but | wouldn't want it any other way.
| turned around in bed and the blinking red numbers on the clock by the bedside showed 1:45am. | didn’t know
why | had woken up that early, but | knew that my sleep had been troubled and that there was no way that |
would be able to go back to sleep again.
Sighing heavily, | swung my feet over the other side of the bed, slipping them into the bedroom slippers by the
edge of the bed before moving out of the room.
| made a stop at Jessy’s room first and the moment | flipped the lights on it was to find the little girl wide awake.
| moved. towards her immediately and she scrambled out of her bed and into my arms.
The fear and sadness in her eyes worriedand for a moment was scared to ask what the problem could be.
“Hey babe, what's wrong? Why are you not sleeping?” | asked solily, still wrapping my arms securely around her
in a hug, while placing gentle kisses on her head. Jessy was the strongest four years old that | knew and to see
her like this was very unusual.
“Had bad dweams daddy” She finally whispered back.
“It's okay baby, I'm here now. You're fine.” | reassured my daughter and we stayed in that position for the
longest time.
Her arins-and-legs wrapped around my frin a hug while | s that she had fallen back asleep but | didn’t want
to move for fea
on the floor and kept her secure in my arms. | could tell of waking her up again
Chapter 145
Eventually. |
before ed and placed her gently on the bed, pulling the sheets up her frand placing a kiss on her forehead
the room once
Jessy was so precious toand seeing her scared or unhappy provoked very strong emotions for both myself
and my wolf.
I had a half mind to go to the garden for sair but | had too much work to do and if | wasn’t going to be
sleeping then the best tto sort out my work would be now. | just couldn’t find the strength into begin
working at this time.
Between running not only my pack but also other packs and being here for my family, there was only so much
tthat | could get for myself. But | loved every bit of it and | never wanted it to change, but maybe sometimes
I needed breaks.
| moved in the direction of the kitchen first’ to get a glass of water and the moment | entered the space, | felt a
The kitchen was still dark but it didn’t taketwo seconds to adjust to the darkness and | knew exactly who
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmwas within the
“Zoe?” | asked, flipping on the light switch immediately.
| didn’t flinch when the light switch flooded the room but Zoe hissed and even covered their eyes the moment
the lights con. Proof that she had been in the darkness for a while now
“Zoe, what are you doing in the kitchen so late and in the darkness too.” | asked, raising my brows in suspicion.
The incident that had happened while Freya was away, had never been mentioned again and | was more than
grateful for that. The last thing | wanted to deal with was an omega with her feelings all around the place or a
vengeful one, or even the talkative one.
I didn’t do anything with her and | never intended to, but it didn’t mean that | wanted Freya to hear about it. |
wasn't ready to deal with the tension that would cause in my hand the fact that | would eventually have to
send Zoe away.
-1012 Thu Jan 30
Chapter 146
Chapter 146