Chapter 0042 UNKOWN POV Somewhere downtown of New Village City, the shadiest place in the city, two individuals were meeting. The other was a young master of one of the prestigious families in New Village. The young master's luxurious car was sticking out like a sore thumb in that place. One could tell if didn't belong there.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtBut to him, the car was unmarked and mysterious, not like the other cars he owned that were marked and could be easily recognised. The other was in disguise, no one could tell who the person was. Or what gender.
The voice was modified and had a niask cover the whole face. Even the young master didn't know who the individual was, but he was happy with the information the stranger was providing for him. "Are you prepared to enter the next stage? You saw that Walker was not affected in the slightest by what we did today. I want us to do more." The young master said, he thought that burning that warehouse down was going to stop Olivia and Marcus, but the stubborn man appeared on tv talking about the launch still being on. That fire was supposed to stop the launch indefinitely. They both could not stand to see Olivia succeeding.
"That is the least of our problems. That moron Jones want to help her, he went crazy when he heard about the fire and even called someone to find out who was behind it. He even asked for his people to make an anonymous donation to her company to help her with the damages. In this rate, that bitch is going to be a billionaire in the next six months and then she will be untouchable." The stranger said sounding angry by what Nick was doing. "Sandra gave that moron every reason in the book for him to hate Olivia, but it is not working. The fool is still holding a candle for his wife. He wont make a move on her no matter what she does. We need a new plan." The young master sighed thinking. "What do you suggest we do, I got nothing." The stranger smirked, "I thought you would never ask." The young master was curious to know what the stranger had to say.
"We hit them at both ends, we launch an attack on Jones the stwe attack Olivia and Marcus. That way one will have tto help another, they will be too busy fixing their own mess that there will be no tto offer help to one another." The young master liked the plan. "That could work, but father suggested that we don't hit Walker on the businesses he has here, he suggested we hit him abroad where he is well established. That is the root of his business where all his money comes from. If we hit that, then it will be over with Walker." The stranger nodded liking the idea. “Good, that is a sound plan. I want Olivia to suffer and I want the Jones to go down. I didn't kill those people he hired in prison to look after her for no reason. I want him to hurt the day I reveal what those people did to her in his name." The young master was shocked. "You did something to Olivia while she was in prison, why and what did you do?" the stranger scoffed. "You will have to wait and find out like everyone else. His parents think what they know is all I did, they have another thing coming. Not even Olivia knows about this one. It will cas a shock when she finds out and it's going to kill the both of them." The young master's eyes widened in shock. "You are going to kill Olivia and Nick? I didn't sign up for that, we said we were going to make them suffer, no one said anything about killing them." The stranger scoffed. “You are such a moron, what good will their deaths do? It won't givethe satisfaction I want. I need to see them lose everything, to suffer and wish death upon themselves. I want to see them jump off the tallest building in New Village after am done with them." The young master sighed relieved. As much as he was a rebel, he didn't have blood in his hands, he was a coward 1/2 #25 BONUS Chapter 0042.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmwho hid behind his money and power. "I will contact you about the next assignment, I don't want to give them rest. I want them awake at night wondering what is coming next. I want their resources depleted with them trying to fix everything. They are going to pay for what they did." The young master liked the sound of that. “It will serve the right, if Olivia had agreed to be mine, none of this would have been happening. But she decided that she was better than me, but I will show her who is superior between she, the man she chose and I" The stranger scoffed. "Yeah, yeah. Just do as I-sald and stop drinking because if you drink too much and end up revealing my plan to someone. I will have your head, remember, I have eyes and cars everywhere. I will know."
He then walked away leaving the young master mumbling to himself. "You act all cool with your mask and being mysterious. I am not as stupid as you think I am, just you watch. I will get Olivia to be mine and we will see who will laugh last." He watched the stranger disappear then took his phone out and dialled his father. "What did he say?"
"That he will contact us, but he loved your idea of hitting Walker abroad and hiding it until it is too late. Oh, wait. 1 forgot to tell him about the hiding it part.'
The old man scoffed. "You are such a moron; you might look smart in front of everyone, but you are just an empty vessel. Your mother and sister would be so disappointed in you.” +25 BONUS Chapter 1043 Chapter 0043