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Revenge After Divorce by Black Rose

Chapter 63
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Chapter 0063 OLIVIA I was drifting in and out of consciousness. The first tI was woken up by water dripping onto my forehead. At least I thought it was water. With difficulty, I opened my eyes and looked ahead. I saw shadows moving. My eyes were so heavy that I closed them again and passed out.

The next tI woke up I was lucid enough to hear voices. I didn't know who the people were, but I heard one of them say, "She better not be dead or if she dies, you follow Why was I going to be dead in a dream? “Who... are... you?" I mumbled. The woman must have heardbecause she called someone.

"She is alive, she's talking." She sounded so excited to heartalk. I blacked out again. Then the dream changed. I was in a beautiful field with wildflowers everywhere. Fresh air and I felt so light and free. "Olivia?" I turned and my grandmother stood not too far away from me.

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I ran into her arms and held her tightly as I cried. "Am sorry grandma, for everything. I am so sorry." She brushed my back comforting me. "It's alright now sweet girl. I am fine and you have nothing to apologise for." I broke the hug and looked at her.

She was so beautiful and radiant. I sniffed and hugged her again. "Oh, grandma. I missed you so much and I am sorry you didn't get to meet my son. You would love him grandma. He is the sweetest boy in the world." She chuckled breaking the hug and looking atwith a smile.

"You, silly girl, of course I know your son. I am always there watching him, both of you, you are doing a good job with him Olivia and I am so proud of you." I couldn't help but cry again. She wiped my tears and gavea smiled.

"It's tto leave now my sweet girl." I shook my head no; it was too soon, and I wanted more twith her. Not yet grandma." She gavea sad smile. "It is not the tfor you to be here Olivia and the longer you stay here, the more difficult it will be to get back." I still shook my head no.

My grandmother smiled. "Silly girl, who is going to take care of your son if you stay here? He needs his mother you know. Go back to him." Samuel, my son. The thought of him being alone withoutscared me. “See that feeling, hang on to it." I was confused what feeling was she talking about.

Then before I could ask more pain cand I winced. "That's the one that will take you back to him, remember Olivia, I am always watching and protecting you both. I love you my sweet girl." She was fading as she spoke. I wanted to chase after her but the pain in my head was too much.

I opened my eyes a little and I saw a man hovering over me, I didn't know him. "Good, we almost lost you there. Stay withfor a little while longer, we are almost there. Just hang on?" I moved my hand searching for something to hang on to like he said.

But I couldn't find anything. "You moved your fingers, good. Keep doing that, focus on your hand and keep moving it." What the hell was he talking about, I didn't move only my fingers, I moved my hand. But I was so tired, did I work too hard? I must have there has been a lot going on at work lately.

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'My son." I mumbled. The man brought his face near mine, too close for my liking. Please don't kiss me, I don't know you please don't. As if he heard me, the stranger turned and put his ear next to my mouth. "Repeat what you said, con, focus for me, listen to my voice and don't sleep." But I was tired and who the hell did he think he was to tellnot to sleep.

"My son." I repeated. "Hey! Was there anything about a boy in that car?" he yelled. He was so loud, I wished he could shut up, I wanted to sleep. “What child?” another one I could not see yelled back. “She keeps saying my son, do you think there was a baby in the car?" I closed my eyes so tightly trying to prevent the noise.

It was working because their voices becsofter and softer. "Hey! I said don't sleep, not yet. Tellabout your Chapter 0961 son, was he with you in the car?" I wished he could just ship the hell up. His yelling was causinga terrible headache.

sopen n your eyes Miss, your son needs you to wake up and stay with me." my son, I wanted to stay awake for my son, but it was getting harder and harder to stay awake. I was so tired that I needed just to sleep for few minutes. I was going to be alright when I woke up.

Samuel would understand and Lupita was there, "Where air 1, grandma.” I remember I was with her not so long was with k agor did she go to sleep? "We are almost there, three more minutes!” oh how I wished I could shut the man's mouth with a slap.

What kind of man was he? talking so loud like that, I didn't think he had a wife, If he did. He wouldn't be so loud like that, it was embarrassing. I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting away into the darkness. I was really tired.

"We are here!" my head pounded when the man yelled agath. I heard noise I didn't know where it wasm coming from then felt myself moving and before I knew it there were bright lights above me, the funny thing about them was that they were moving or was I moving. I closed my eyes and I was out. Today's Bonus Offer GET IT NOW Chapter D Chapter 0064