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The Forced Maiden For The Cursed Alpha King by Josephine Ivy

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34 SABRINA'S POV There comes a twhen it's the right thing to do.

"To say "fuck it" And do whatever the fuck I want to do. Today is one of such days.

I woke up in my bed, magically transported there by someone I didn't want to know. The last thing I remember was scrubbing and cleaning and then in in my bed.

1 rolled over in bed, my eyes focused on a scorch mark on my wall. I felt numb inside. Like my heart had turned to lead. Heavy. Oh so very heavy.

His majesty didn't dismiss me. I'm very sure of it. In fact, I didn't see a glimpse of him the entire day or should I say night. I worked till I dropped. Literally.

I think I knew him in my past life. And in that time, I had committed a grievous act against him, and that now led him to have so much hatred for me. Coupled with the crimes I committed in this lifetwhich I didn't do, but he didn't care to listen I doubt there'll ever be a twhen he will forgivefor them.

I rolled over on my stomach. I knew it was early morning. My body clock had been wired to serve his majesty as his slave.

I should get up. I should start getting ready to the work day.

But I can't. I can't bring myself to get up and care.

Everyday without fail, I woke up and went over, and did my duties, and endured the ridicule and simmering hatred from the king Fuck it.

I'm not doing that again. I don't care whatever the outcmay be. Im not going to slave away today. Just one day. Lethave one fucking day to myself.

I laid in bed till I felt mentally prepared enough to get up. I headed down to the bathrooms and took a long cold shower that did a bit to soothe the ache in my muscles. I was still very tired, dragging myself back to my room to get ready for the day. I had breakfast at the dining halls, and thankfully no one botheredat all. I also didn't see last Nifra. Perhaps she was at the king's private wing already Not that I cared.

"Rina?" I turned around to see Caldan. Ah perfect, just who u was looking for. "Sir Caldan," I said with a smile. He walked up to me, his eyes clear and sparkling.

"You're still here?" He asked.

"Yes." I looked around the gardens. "I have the day off. So I thought I'd spend it reconnecting with nature." I don't have the day off. I'm intentionally not going to work.

"That's perfect” He said. “Cwith me, I have something to show you." "Something?" I asked with a small frown. “I hope it's not lady Nifra's gardens again." "Oh no," he laughed softly, strands of hair falling into his eyes. "In the city, I want to take you to the city." My heart skipped.

I hadn't been to the city. All my days have been within these walls.

"Is that a good idea?" I asked in a quiet tone.

"Yes. We could spend the whole day there, I'm sure it will be a nice change from being here all the time." Clupier di All the other girls are allowed to go into the city. Why should mine be any different? "Sure thing." I smiled brightly at Caldan. "Let's go." What do I have to lose? Is this a date? I kept asking myself as I and Caldan strolled through the city.

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Everything was so bright. So warm. So loud A lot of people, I wasn't expecting that at all I was used to the girls of the harem, nothing preparedfor coming out to the city.

But my, it was lovely.

Caldan and I walked hand in hand through the streets. I was shocked to see that a lot of people recognized him and cforward to greet him. I felt a bit self conscious standing next to him. It was clear that he was well respected, and well known.

He held my hand when I tried to slink away from the public eye. I watched as he interacted with the people, and my heart warmed. Like a true leader, even if he was only standing in for the king.

The king.

I wonder what's going on back at the pack house now. Is anyone looking for me? I doubt that.

We had lunch at a quaint restaurant that made the best meat loaf ever. Caldan said he knew the owner, that they were friends.

"You're glowing" Caldan said as we ate.

"Glowing?" I burst out laughing. Tim overwhelmed. Everything is too much and too little all at once.

He smiled, and his eyes shone. "We should cout to the city more often." Tagree with that." But will I have the time? I doubt it: But instead of focusing on my depressed thoughts, I focused my attention on Caldan.

Towards evening, it started to pour. The day that had been sunny turned cloudy and the rain cdown without any warning. People hurried out of the streets, seeking shelter from the cold droplets of rain.

Not me.

I stood still, my face turned to the sky.

When was the last tI felt rain on my skin? I couldn't even remember. It felt cold. But good. The entire day had felt strange But so good. It's been a while I smiled as much as I did today. It's been a while I had the chance to just breathe.

I closed my eyes and let the rain beat me. My clothes stuck to my body, and my hair hang in rattails.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Caldan. "You'll catch a cold." He said, taking my hand in his.

"It'll be worth it." I said.

"Maybe," He pulledcloser to him. "But not today." I laughed softly. "Fine. Let's go." Holding hands, we ran into a sheltered alley. It was fast getting dark, but the rain didn't reach here.

"Do we wait it out?" I asked, looking out at the sky that didn't look like it was done anytsoon, "Yes," Caldan said, and I noticed how close he was to me. His breath fanned my neck, hot against my cool skin. I turned to him, and my eyes were instantly drawn to his lips.

"Sir Cablan "Callan jour Callan" He san Ican feel his warmth. And it feels good to my soaked skin. Fuck. What am I even thinking" T...I can't do that." "Why not?" "We're not close enough forto address you by your first name" I shouldn't be delusional. Caldan is royalty. I've seen it today. People how to him. They respect him. He's in a much different league than I am.

His hand cup to my face and gently grasped my chin. Shivers ran down my spine, the warmth of his fingers transferred to my cars and checks.

"Will this make us closer?” He said. And before I could ask what he meant, he bridged the distance between us and his lips. brushed mine.

An innocent gesture. Hardly enough to be called a kiss He pulled back and looked at me. A shadow had fallen over his eyes, my heart skipped a beat with how intense his gaze was.

"No," I said in a breathless whisper. "..." His hand moved to the back of my neck and pulledcloser to him. I gasped, the very smoment his lips crashed into mine.

Panic surged through my veins.

He's kissing me! What do I do?! What do I do now?! My head spun, and goosebumps covered my cold skin. His lips were warm and soft, loving over mine with gentle caution. My eyes fluttered shut and my hand cup to hold his wrist. I kissed him back, trying to mirror his moves.

My face put a tomato to shwith how red it was I felt him smile against my lips, and my goodness that was so fucking hot.

I pulled away first.

"Are we close enough now?" He asked, his head tilted to the side.

Oh my goodness.

We just kissed! | m And I liked it. I liked it more than I could hope for. My heart is doing somersaults in my chest. I can still feel his lips on mine.

Does this mean I like him? "Yes," I said, my voice low. "We're close now.

Okay, maybe taking the day off was a bad idea.

His majesty the king stood before me. And I couldn't breathe. I couldn't draw in a breath no matter how hard I tried. It was like all the oxygen in the air was gone.

The king glared at me. His eyes blazed a frightening crimson, like the fires of hell itself. His lips were set in a deep frown, his brows scrunchies in anger.

I could feel his anger. It was a smoldering heat, taking up all the oxygen. His alpha aura was choking, every cell in my body streamed forto prostate myself before him, to run, to seek forgiveness I felt lightheaded, any more of this and I would pa pass out for sure.

Chapter 3 "You dared to disobey me!" He asked, his voice like distant thunder that threatened a hail storm. Goosebumps covered my skin and I shuddered.

I couldn't speak. My tongue felt glued to the roof of my mouth. I thought I I was able to handle anything happened for skipping work that yesterday, nothing preparedfor this level of anger. I was fully convinced that he would hit me. And if he did, I just knew I wouldn't survive it.

"If this ever happens again, by the tI'm done with you, you'd be beggingto kill you," I couldn't hold his gaze. I felt like I would go insane if I dared to look him in the eye. I could only imagine the depths of pain he would subjectto.

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But con, it was just one day.

"You will do today's tasks and yesterday's tasks. And you will not leave this place till they are all completed". Am I clear?!" "Yes." I said quietly. Your majesty," I added out of spite.

"Get to it." He snapped. I heard his footsteps recede, and only then did the oxygen return to the air.

My knees gave way and I fell to the ground. I inhaled large gulps of air, struggling to breathe.

Why was he so angry? It was just one day. I slave away for him every single day.

My hands curled into fists, and anger sparked insidechest.

But on the bright side, I got the day off with Caldan. And not just that, the day ended in the most perfect way possible.

I should count it a win, right? I got to my feet and brushed my clothes up. More work for me. How wonderful.

So I got started on my work for the day. I worked till nightfall. Making sure everything was clean and in order.

Only by dinnertdid I pause for a quick dinner. I decided to bring my own dinner with me, since I don't have the tto back to the dining halls.

I sat in one of the rooms to eat. Halfway through my dinner, I noticed a tightness in my chest. I drank swater, thinking that it was spice.

The tight feeling got worse, and with it ca burning in my throat. I began to choke, coughing and hitting my chest.

It burned.

It felt like I had drank liquid fire.

I didn't know when I slipped to the ground, still coughing violently.

I felt the king's presence in the room. Oh fuck, he must think I'm slacking off.

"What's this?" He asked. "You're pretending to die just so you can get off work today?" I'm not! I tried to say, but my voice wouldn't cooperate. It hurts!

"Rina!" I heard Caldan's shout. The next thing I knew he had rushed over toand carriedup. you. she's choking. And you think she's pretending "Caldan, that is uncalled for." Your majesty, how can Caldan crouched low, carryingin his arms. I grabbed his shirt, trying to tell him something, anything.

He droppedon the ground and walked off after briefly sniffling at my breath, and when he returned, hi eyes full of concern. "Here,” He said, shoving a leaf into my mouth.

"Swallow it." I swallowed the leaf. The effects were almost instant. I had barely pushed him away before I was throwing up my guts all over the cleaned floor.

"She was poisoned." Caldan announced.