Chapter 106
Chapter 106
It isn’t until | get to my room that it hits me. My entire life is about to change:
“Sweetheart, are you okay with this? You can say no. You don’t even have to accept Alpha Quirin as your mate,
although, I'm pretty sure that you are happy about being mated to him,” my mother says, coming to stand in
front of me.
“I've always loved him, mother,” |
“I know. I've watched you watch him all your life.
“You have?”
kind of a mother would | be if | see what others don’t, but | don’t see my own “What kind of a doctor would | be?
Wha children. You have always been very dedicated and very driven, Kennedy. You knew from a very early age
that you wanted to be a doctor and you've never wavered from that. You knew from very early age that you
wanted Alpha Quirin, and you've never wavered from that either. He's a tough nut to crack, but if ever there was
a nutcracker in this family, it’s you, Kennedy,” she says, makinglaugh. | feel tears pricking my eyes.
“You'll have a hard road in front of you. But if you want this, if you really want this, then | know you'll prevail. MY
daughter doesn’t fail. She knows what she wants and she goes for it, no matter how hard the road gets, no
matter how long it takes, no matter how much effort she has to put in. She will prevail. So, Ill ask you again. Is
this what you want, Kennedy?”
“Yes. Yes, he’s what | want. Alpha Harold said that his pack is very different than ours, but... Quirin is very
different than father.”
“Yes, he is. | know you've seen it in him. I've seen it too on rare occasions, but there is a softer side to Alpha
Quirin. Find that side of him. Make him be that person with you. If you can do that, if he can do that, then I think
that the two of you can be happy.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
She pulls back but doesn’t letgo. “If at any tthings get too rough, you change your mind for any
“I won't.”
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt
“I know, but I have to say this anyway. It's what your father wanted to say to you before. You always have a
father will always keep you safe, even if it means going against Alpha Quirin.”
“There's enough animosity between them, Mother. | would never do that, not to Dad or Quirin.”
“Just know, if you ever need us, we'll be here for you.”
place here. Your
“Okay. Now con, before Quirin decides we need to leave and | have nothing packed. You know how he hates
these types of events.”
“I do,” she says, turning to grab my suitcase. “I also know that he’s never missed one where you were the
person being celebrated,” she says.
“He’s never missed any,” | say distractedly as | look around trying to decide what | want to take withand
beginning to put things in my own small-suitcase.
“Kennedy, how many of your sister's and brother's birthday parties has Alpha Quirin attended?”
I frown. “He was invited to those?”
Chapter 106
“Every one of them. Just like he was always invited to yours and Connor's
“I just assumed he was invited to ours because of Connor being the Alpha heir.”
She shakes her head. “He was invited to all of them. But yours at the only ones lie ever attended, and | don’t
think it's because he was trying to create a bond with Connor.”
| think about that, feeling something warm blossom inside me. Maybe Quirin felt the spull tothat | felt to
him. | know I'm much younger than he is, but maybe....
“Kennedy, there's something else | want to disctiss with you,” my mother says..
1 turn and look at her.
“Tonight, Alpha Quirin will make you his. It’s a wonderful time, sometimes. You've been in the hospital long
enough that you've heard of women who said their first twas good and others who said it was horribly
painful. | don’t know what Alpha Quirin’s experience is with women...”
“I know he’s been with other women,” | interrupt.
“But how many of those women were virgins, Kennedy?” she ask patiently, and | blush.
“I don’t know what Alpha Harold and Luna Farrah have told him about a woman's first tand | can’t see Alpha
Quirin being comfortable enough to sit through that conversation. So you need to be prepared to make him slow
down, take his twith you, so that you don’t tear too badly. If he takes his time, the pain isn’t too bad, and the
pleasure makes it worth it. Don’t be surprised if you bleed even the first couple of times, that’s normal. Just try
to talk to him first. Try to get him to take it slow the first couple of times. Once your body adjusts and the two of
you find what the other likes, it will get better.”
I nod.
“Your mate is getting antsy, Ken, my brother's says in my head.
“I need to go, Mother.”
“I know,” she says, pushing my folded clothes down into the suitcase. “I'm going to miss you. | don’t know what
I'll do everyday without you in the hospital with me,” she says, and | hear her voice catch.
“I'm going to miss you, too,” | say, feeling the tears burning my eyes again. She opens her arms and | rush into
you hear me?” she says fiercely. “You be the best friggin doctor any pack has ever seen! Do
I nod. “I've had the best role model in the world!”
“And when you start taking classes, make sure your on-sites are here. | want to see how you're progressing.”
“Okay,” | say, hugging her tightly.
We grab my suitcases, one for clothes and one for toiletries and | take a final look around the room. I'd packed a
picture of my family and one that | had from a birthday party years ago that had Quirin in it, That picture had
been in pride of place on my dresser for years.
When we get downstairs, my brothers and sisters, father, and Quirin are waiting for me. I'm not sure if my father
told the others to continue with the party, or if they just didn’t realize that | was leaving. That's okay, now that
I've found my mate, the Alphas in the room will be looking for their next possible Luna. My sister, Wendy, should
be thrilled. She’s the next oldest Alpha female and will be getting a lot of attention the rest of the evening.
As we step off the last stair, my father and Quirin step forward to take the suitcase out of my hand. | watch my
father grit his teeth but step back, acknowledging that Quirin, as my mate, is now responsible for taking care of
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmme.
10:49 vrea, Jan TO
Chapter 106
I go around and hug my sisters and brothers, saving Connor for ast. “You know you always have a hhere,
Ken, he says
in the mind link.
| do. Thank you. I'll see you next week.
My father hugstightly, much longer than normal, almost as he’s afraid to letgo.
“I love you,” he says.
“I love you, too.”
“Are you ready?” Quirin asks me.
We walk out to my car.
“What about your car?” | ask him.
“Henry drove, so | don’t have a car,” he says, putting my suitcases in the trunk as | open my door. | feel the heat
of his body at my back as I look at my family once more.
“Alpha Quirin, I'm trusting you to take care of my daughter,” my mother says.
If he wasn’t standing so close, I'm not sure I'd have noticed the shift in my mate. | know that if those words had
cfrom my father, they would have made Quirin angry. But from my mother...
“I'll take care of her, Luna.” He says it with absolute sincerity, and | see my father and brother relax.
| turn and look up at the man that will be wearing my mark later tonight.
“We'll take care of each other.”
| wave one last tand then get into the passenger seat of my car. Quirin gets into the driver's side, and we
pull away fro the packhouse and my family, the only hI've ever known.
| take a deep breath and look at the road ahead. No matter what comes my way, | know | can handle it.