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The Pack's Doctor by Cooper

Chapter 117
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Chapter 117

The moment Raif caught Echo and began mating her, | knew where in trouble. That slight, the swarm

give the *rapturous explosion of pleasure bladed through our bolt like it hard when | had mated with


After that, there was no controlling Raif He lost all restraint, griling engrossed in the excitement of the hunt and

bliss of the mating. Echo had finally collapsed back at the overhang, before | could get Raif under control again.

Dammit, Raif

Quirin. 1.

I know he didn’t mean to lose control anymore than I did, and yet, neither of us has any restraint when it comes

to feeling the utter joy that being inside our mate brings us.

We watch as Echo shifts back to her human form. | take control of Raif’s wolf body and walk over, sniffing her. |

growl as | smell blood.

“This is why | said no more mating. Now that you and Echo have completed your bond, there is no reason to

mate until we know we can control ourselves,’ | tell him.

I know he doesn’t like what I'm saying, but he doesn’t like smelling the blood on Kennedy and Echo either,

especially knowing that it was caused by us.

I pull the shift and collect our clothes, getting Kennedy dressed and pulling on my shorts before lifting her and

carrying her back to the packhouse.

When | step out of the forest line, the pack members who are congregated outside stop to look at me.

“Alpha, is everything okay?” Kier asks, jogging up. He stops when he smells the blood on Kennedy.

“She's fine. Tired after Echo and Raif ran all evening.”

“Right,” he says, dragging out the word and givinga look before stepping out of my way. The rest of the pack

stares as |

them. When | get to the back of the packhouse I turn to the pack members who are silently watching me.

“You all must have heard Raif and Echo running through the pack lands. We're newly mated, our wolves

completed their bond. She's not dead so you can stop staring atas if | murdered your Luna,” | growl, making

all of them jump.

| spin on my heel and stride inside. The pack members in here quickly skirting out of my way.

‘Over react much?’ Raif asks.

‘We made her bleed. Again. It's no wonder they think we killed her.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

When | get her back to our room, | carefully strip her down and start a bath. She's dirty and | want to wash off

the blood before | put her to bed. | strip off my shorts once the water is warm and carefully sit in the tub with her

in my lap. | get the soap and begin bathing her.

I've struggled so much with control, that | haven't taken the tto look over my mate’s body. She's lean, as all

wolves are, especially Alpha wolves who run a lot, but she’s not as muscular as most warriors are. | rather like

that her body is softer than others I've seen or been with. Her body fits mine perfectly, softening my hard, rough


09 26 FM Jan 24 TO

Are we all talking about yen plead buty Railsde

Trould be snarky with my well, bun what's the print? He knows as well as know myself



Two wind Beef Wellington, Itaif says | think sheet dinner tosight, how | never thought I'd like a slab of beef

surrounded by puff pastry, but dam. It was good. I'd so been comprised when Kennerty featthe bite of foor!

It felt intimate in a way Tin untary detomed to forling. No one has ever fed ne before

Bever Our rough edges are too sharp for her softness. | don’t think she ever be able to soften those hand lines.

She'd only hurt berwolf i she tried. | tell him honestly.

Raif begins purring as he looks down at our mate. “Echo gavea good run

You were running all out in the beginning, weren't you? I ask him.

Yes, our little mate is fast,” he says proudly

But you're faster, | say.

I'm not sure | am faster. | just think | have more stamina than she does,’ he says, and | realize he’s right, If he

were faster. he'd have at least caught up to her before she’d run full out for an hour. Of course, after he plowed

into her like a fucking jackhammer when he caught her the first time, she’d been running injured. She’d gotten

slower each the caught her. allowing him to catch her more quickly until she'd finally collapsed, exhausted.

I'm frustrated all over again at my lack of restraint. I'm not the kind of man or Alpha who loses control. | always

keep a tight rein on my emotions, but with Kennedy I don’t seem to have any at all.

| get her out of the bath and dry her off before putting one of my shirts over her head and laying her in bed. I'd

prefer to leave her naked but since | obviously have no self-control when it comes to my mate, I'd rather no risk


When | have her snuggled in bed, | go clean up the bathroom, quickly taking my own shower before crawling into

bed and wrapping myself around my mate. | may not be willing to have sex with her, but I'm not willing to sleep

without her. Last night when I'd finally fallen asleep, it had been the best sleep | ever remembering having in my

life. And tonight is no different.

In the morning, | wake up without an alarm as | always do. | look at the clock and see that it's my usual 4:45am

wake up. Just in tto get dressed and head down to warrior training.

“Wake up, Little Pup. Tfor training,” | say to her, kissing the side of her head and leaping out of bed to get

dressed and brush my teeth.

“What?” she murmurs, rubbing her eyes and looking around as if confused about how she got here.

“Echo passed out at the overhang,” | say, grabbing my shoes and sitting on the edge of the bed to put them on.

“I brought you back and bathed you before putting you to bed. You missed sparring yesterday, but you can’t

miss every day. I've got to go. I'll see you down there.”

“Quirin...” she begins. | lean down and kiss her before she can argue.

“No arguments. | have to go. Don’t fall back to sleep. Training begins in fifteen minutes,” | say, then head out.

| jog down the stairs and head out back seeing most of my warriors already here and starting to warm up.

At five, | start the warmup. She arrives late, staying in the back but at least she’s here. It will be good for the

pack to see her strength and that she’s not dead. Raif rolls his eyes at that snarky thought.


09:26 Fri, Jan 24 TOR

Chapter 117


Since I'm not sure how sore she might be, | decide to put her up against one of my warriors rather than Kier.

Kier’'s an excellent fighter and he has a lot of restraint, but | want to wait and see just how good Kennedy is

before | put him up against


All of my warriors have real-life fighting experience, unlike Kennedy, so | choose one of my younger warriors with

less fighting experience to partner with her when | divide everyone to groups.

“Kier, can you monitor the warriors. I've never


Kesar. | want to get an idea of how much training she’s had.”

“She’s the daughter of an Alpha. Do you think that’s a fair

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

ring for Cameron? He’s not from a ranked family.”

“He’s had real fighting experience. She hasn't. If she’s better than he is, I'll switch them out,” | tell him.

“Kennedy,” | call out to her and wave her over. “Kennedy, this is Cameron. Cameron, if you haven't met your

Luna, this is Luna Kennedy,” | say, introducing them.

“Hello,” Kennedy says, and Cameron nods. | can tell he’s nervous about sparring with her. What surprisesis

that | can feel Kennedy's nervousness too.

“Let's start slow. Kennedy you take defense, Cameron, offense. Ready? Go.”

As soon as | call it, Cameron aggressively goes after Kennedy. She lightly blocks him and then falls backward,

Cameron raises an arm to land a hit but | grab his arm, keeping him from touching Kennedy.

“Kennedy, Cameron's a good fighter. You don’t need to worry about hurting him,” | say, holding out my hand and

helping her up. “I'll make sure he doesn’t get too injured. Just focus on the fight,” I tell her.

“Ready?” | say, waiting until Kennedy to get back in her defensive stance. “Go.”

Once again, Cameron comes at her hard. This tshe ducks away from his punch, but rather than getting a hit

on him where he’s wide open, she spins away. | start to get a bad feeling as | watch her and when Cameron goes

at her hard again, nearly punching her in the gut, | grab his arm again, staring at Kennedy.

“Please tellthat your father, the Alpha of his pack, trained his daughter how to fight,” I growl, my voice low.

I'm working really hard to maintain control of my anger. How the fuck does an Alpha who grew up in a tof

war not train his pups to fight?

“I hate fighting. | always have. After pup training, he letspend my mornings in the pack hospital with my

mother,” she says defensively. | can’t tell if she’s defending her father or pleading withto understand why

she can’t fight.

| close my eyes, working hard to get my anger under control. When | open my eyes, | see her watching me.

“That's it for today, Little Pup. Go back inside,” | say, my barely controlled anger making my words harsh.

I'm not sure if it's my tone, or if she can feel my anger, but she looks like | slapped her. If | wasn’t so angry, I'd

try to talk to her about it. But instead, | watch her press her lips together tightly and turn, walking away.

“Find a new partner,” | growl at Cameron. | stand there, watching where Kennedy went back into the packhouse.

“She doesn’t know how to fight?” Kier asks quietly, coming to stand beside me.

“Apparently not.”

“Shit, Alpha.”

09:26 Fri, Jan 24 TG

Chapter 117

Yeah, this is definitely a pile of steaming hot shit. In a pack full fighters, | have an Alpha mate who doesn’t even

know how to defend herself.