Chapter 124
Chapter 124
Today when | go to the hospital, | begin going over what supplies | would like to have for the hospital versus what
| feel is critical or at least necessary. Sthings, like a new x-ray machine, are necessary, but based on the
cost, | set it aside for now. Hopefully, | can get Quirin to talk toabout the cost of these things and what the
pack can afford at spoint in the near future.
I'm pleasantly surprised when Deborah comes in with a laptop that she said Quirin sent over for me. Since I'd
forgotten to ask about one, this is perfect.
I log in, finding the information on the medical supply store that we use for ordering. When I look back on
previous orders, | see that Deborah was right. They only ever order the basics and most of that is in smaller sizes
for pups.
| put in my order, taking a deep breath when | see the cost, and push send. | guess I'll find out later if Quirin
freaks out over the cost.
Christy bringslunch again today, lettingknow that Quirin once again requested that someone bring me
“Perhaps | should just put in a standing order to have a sandwich ready forin the morning. That way Quirin
won't have to worry about it. I'm sure he’s got plenty of other things on his mind,” | say.
“I don’t get the impression that he minds, Luna,” she says.
“Everything going okay with you?” | ask her.
“Yes, Luna. | haven't seen Arlo. He's apparently pretty busy.”
“Good. Thank you for bringing this by,” | say.
“You're welcome. Oh, and Susie said that Samuel is doing well. She wantedto let you know.”
“Great news, thank you.”
I'm just finished eating when | hear the doors to the front of the hospital slide open. Since hardly anyone ever
comes in, | listen.
“Is Luna here?” a woman asks.
“Yeah, what's going on?” Deborah asks her.
“I'd like to speak to Luna,” she says as | cwalking out.
“Hi there. What can | do for you?” | ask, seeing one of Quirin’s warriors carrying her son. This one is older than
yesterday but still under ten, so he doesn’t have his wolf.
“Hi, Luna. | was talking to Kelvin during training this morning and he said that you really helped Samuel with the
stick he got in his foot. | was wondering if you would take a look at Tommy's knee for me?”
“Sure, follow me, what's your name?”
“I'm Emily, Luna.
“Hi Emily. Hi, Tommy,” | say, holding a door open for them. | can’t use the bed until they arrive, but | can put him
on the
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Chaparr 124
couter whale i crouch in front of him like I did with Serv
“How old are you, Tommy?”
“Wow! Getting to big so, what's wrong 1 koring, or any to put on the over
“You don’t want him on the bed die aks
“I don’t trust thone beds, but I've ordered snew ones, so if you have to cback in a couple of days,
hopefully you'll have a more comfortable place to st 1 sey, smiling, Tommy is done react, but sinor be’s bere for
something to do with him. I'm not surprised
“Well, he injured his knee several days ago, maybe a week wyp now, but it's not being, she says.
1 pull up a chair and sit down in front of him looking at his knee, 1 en bus don’t sell any infection. It’s not a
terrible injury but 1 can see that it’s seeping and bleeding a late and notbeding
“Any fever?” | ask as 1 look over the injury,
“How did you get this?” | ask him.
“I was playing, and | fell,” he says, shrugging,
“There's a pup play area on the right side of the packhouse, Luna | don’t know if you've seen it yet”
“I think | passed it on the way to the woods,” | say, “I see it's seeping, but | don’t see or smell any pussy
discharge. Have you seen any signs of infection?”
“No, Luna. And it hasn't gotten any worse, it just isn’t getting any better. And when | try to scrub it, Tommy says
it hurts too much”
The area around the scrape is red and slightly swollen, but not terribly angry looking. I begin gently pressing
around the injury. “Does it hurt if | touch it here?” | ask him.
“No,” he says, watching me.
“Okay, I'm going to swab the area and also scrape sof the skin and a bit of tissue off your knee, Tommy,” |
say, looking up at Emily, “I won't get my microscope until tomorrow, possibly the next day. But I'll check to see if
it’s ssort of bacteria that’s keeping him from healing.”
“Will it hurt?” Tommy asks me.
“It shouldn't. But I'm guessing that you're the son of two strong warriors, am | right?” | ask him.
“Yes, Luna,” he says proudly.
“Then, | don’t think it will hurt at all,” I tell him, standing. “I'll be right back,” | tell Emily.
When | step out, | look for Deborah. “Do we have any test tubes, or microscope slides, or anything that is sterile
that | can put this skin sample in until my equipment arrives?” | ask her.
“No, Luna, but | can boil sglasses for you,” she says.
Chapter 124
“That will have to do I say, thankful now that | decided to add test tubes to the order. The slides cwith the
microscope, but I'll need to order smore.
We do have swabs and | get a scalpel to scrape the skin. Just as I'm ready to go back in, Deborah comes over
with two steaming hot glasses on a tray.
“Here you go, Luna”
“Thank you,” | say, putting my supplies on the tray and taking it from her.
When | step back inside, Tommy watcheswide-eyed.
“Okay, let's start with a swab. This shouldn't hurt at all, but if it does, letknow.”
I've just started rubbing his scraped knee when he hisses and tugs his leg away from me.
“That hurt?” I ask him and he nods.
1 look at his knee more closely, not seeing anything that looks like a splinter, but it may be hard to see.
“Did it feel like a sharp pain, like there’s something in your knee, or a burning pain?” I ask him.
“It didn’t feel sharp,” he says.
“So, more of a burning pain?”
“I guess so,” he says shrugging
| put that swab into one of the glasses and grab another one. “I'm going to swab the other side. Sthing, tell
Once again, he tugs away.
“Is this normal, Luna?” Emily asks.
“I've not seen it before. | can talk to my mother about it too, but looking at it under a microscope should help me
identify what we're dealing with,” | tell her. “Okay, this time, I'm going to scrape the wound. If this is a bacteria,
or something similar that is just on the surface, it will hopefully scrape it off and you'll start to heal. If that
doesn’t help and it's deeper, then we'll have to wait to see what it is so | can treat it,” | tell Emily before looking
at Tommy.
“This might sting a little, but | need you to hold as still as possible for me. Can you do that?” | ask him.
“Yes, Luna”
“Good. How's your pup training coming along?” | ask him to distract him from what I’m doing. Since he’s the son
of two warriors, I'm positive that he’s in warrior training for pups.
As he begins tellingall about it, | carefully scrape the top layer of skin and flesh from his knee. | put that into
the second glass and sit back while Tommy continues talking.
“Are you done?” he asks me, looking at his knee.
“I'am,” I tell him.
“That barely hurt at all,” he says.
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Chapter 124
“Good. My goal is to NOT hurt my patients,” I tell him as | stand again, setting my things aside.
“I don’t care what anyone else says. | like you, Luna,” Tommy says, throwing his arms around me. It takesa
minute to respond. | guess the pack doesn’t like me.
| wrap my arms around him. “Well, thank you, Tommy. | like you too,” | say,
“Con, Tommy. Let's go,” Emily says obviously embarrassed by her son’s words. She takes his hand as | set
him down.
“I'll let you know when | have sanswers, and letknow if it gets any worse,” | tell Emily.
“Thank you, Luna.” She starts to walk off, then turns back. “It's not that we don’t like you, Luna. It's just, we're a
pack of fighters and we were all pretty shocked to find out that our Luna isn’t a fighter. | guess it will just take
stfor all of us to adjust to that,” she says.
I nod. “You know, my mother isn’t a fighter either, but she’s saved so many members of her pack that no one
considers her weak. Everyone recognizes that her strengths are different than theirs. They can’t save the lives
that my mother can save, and she can’t protect the pack the way that they do. It doesn’t mean she’s not a
strong woman. It just means that her strengths lie elsewhere,” | say.
She nods and turns, walking out of the hospital. Tommy turns and waves at me. | smile and wave back.
Operation Warriors Warming Up to Me: One down, about a million to go.
“The patrols were impressed with our speed,” Echo says, feeling sad.
‘Correction, they were impressed with YOUR speed. I'm still the Luna who isn’t a warrior.”
‘What are you going to do?’ she asks me.
‘I'm going to do what I'm good at. I'm going to figure out why Tommy isn’t healing and go from there,’ | say.
With that in mind, | say goodbye to Deborah and head over the packhouse, walking around it instead of through
it. | want to see if | can figure out if there is something on the ground, maybe ssort of plant that is causing
Tommy to not be able to heal.
That's when Quirin comes over to me, askingwhat I'm doing. Since | don’t really know, that’s what I tell him.
He doesn’t seem to like my answer, but | realize that he’s dressed for warrior training. | look behind him and see
the pack warriors coming out for afternoon training.
“If | find it, I'll let you know,” | tell him.
“Okay. | was thinking tonight that we could switch up your training. How would Echo like to run. Id like to work
on your stamina. She's fast, but she starts to wane after an hour. | want her to get stronger, be able to run fast
for longer periods of time,” he says.
| can feel Echo’s excitement and beyond being able to run and show off her speed, | can tell that she’s hoping to
get Raif to mate her. Maybe then Quirin will relax. Maybe Quirin just needs to let Raif’s instincts and the mate
bond lead the way.
“That sounds great,” | say. “I'll see you at dinner.”
He leans over and kissessoftly before heading back to warrior training. | take a moment to watch my mate
as he leads the group through the warmup.
“Our man is sexy, Echo purrs.
12:13, 31 Jan MU
Chapter 124
Yes, yes he is.