Chapter 133
Chapter 133
| feel like Quirin and | have leaped over a hurdle. Just the fact that he cto find me, to showhow much he
wanted me, feels like a feat in and of itself.
‘And it didn’t even hurt this time,’ Echo purrs. No, it didn’t, it just felt good.
‘We needed to adjust to him and now we have,’ she says, stretching in my mind like a damn cat.
Between her and the tingles that I'm still feeling in my body, I'm struggling to figure out this damn microscope. It
was slow before Quirin cand distractedin the best possible way, but now ... | give up. There’s no way |
can focus on this.
So, instead, | spend the rest of the afternoon putting the last of the supplies away and making sure that
everything is organized in a way that | can get to it quickly if necessary.
“Wow, Luna, I've never seen so much stuff in here,” Deborah says, walking in.
“Well, | doubt we'll need to replace most of it for a while, but it’s good to have it on hand if we need it,” | tell her.
“Do you know how to use all this stuff?” she asks, walking into the storage room and looking around.
“Yeah. | learned how to use it while | was taking classes and most of this | have practical knowledge of having
been in my mother’s teaching hospital all my life.”
She turns and looks atbefore looking at the items that I've put away.
“What classes taught you to use these things?” she asks.
“Well, | double majored in biology and chemistry. Both are key foundations for the medical and veterinarian
degrees that | want to get.”
She turns and looks at me, frowning.
“What?” | ask.
“You double majored?”
“Didn’t you just turn eighteen?”
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt
“Yes, but | took the college courses while | was in high school. Well, s| took before. It would have been a lot
to do that and my high school classes all at once.”
“You double majored in college courses before you graduated high school?” she asksslowly as if making sure
she understands what I'm saying.
“Well, yes. | mean, | know it sounds hard, but | grew up in my mother’s teaching hospital. I've been listening to
the same. classes and lectures since | was six. | mean really, it isn’t a big deal that | passed my first college test
at ten I'd heard the same. lectures, watched the svideos, and participated in the classes for four years by
then. By the t| was thirteen, | could pretty much recite the classes and the passages from the book
11:28 Fri, Feb 7 GOL
Chapter 133
“How old were you when you passed your first college course?” she asks me.
“Fourteen. The math stuff was harder, and the chemistry too because what they teach in college builds on what
you learn in high school, so those courses | didn’t pass until | fifteen and sixteen. But the biology ones were
great, and | was able to start passing those classes early on.”
“Uh huh,” she says, still staring at me. It’s makinga bit uncomfortable, so | turn back to the supplies.
“All of that to say that | know how to use this equipment. I'll know how to use the microscope once | figure out
how to put it together.”
“It didn’t cassembled?” she asks.
“It was cheaper to buy it this way and since | was purchasing so many things, | thought I'd try to save the pack
“Uh huh,” she says again, still frowning.
“So0000, did you have any thoughts about how I've got things put away in here?” | ask, still not sure |
understand why she’s staring at me.
She shakes her head and looks around. “No, it seems very organized.”
“Okay, good.”
“I'm going to head back to the packhouse. It’s getting close to dinner time.”
“Okay, see you later.”
She stops at the door. “You're not at all what | expected Luna,” she says.
“Is that good?” | ask.
“Yeah, it is,” she says, smiling atbefore heading out,
I'm not sure Deborah counts as a warrior, but I'm chalking that up to getting my second warrior on my side.
| look at the tand realize I've still got a couple of hours before Quirin is done with warrior training, so | go
back to the microscope. Now that Echo has settled and my body has stopped humming with pleasure, it's easier
forto focus and put the pieces together.
When it’s finally put together, | go get the samples | took from Tommy's knee. | dab the swab with saline and
then smear it on the slide before putting it under the microscope. | see the usual microorganisms that you'd
expect to find on the skin, along with sbacteria that you'd expect, especially with a young pup who skinned
his knee. There's no infection, but... what is that?
When | can’t figure it out, | take one of the scraping samples that | got off of his skin. This twhen I put it
under the microscope, there's more of the trace elements that | didn’t recognize.
What the hell? Why would there be traces of silver on that pup’s knee?
‘Kennedy, where are you?‘ Quirin’s voice floats into my mind.
| look at the tand realize that warrior training just ended.
I'm at the hospital. I'll head over now.’
11:28 Fri, Feb 7 GOL
Chapter 133
| look at the slide one more tbefore putting everything away | head over to the packhouse, distracted with
my thoughts of how this could happen. Is it intentional? Is it ssort of contamination on the pack lands that
we need to handle immediately? Is it only on the pup playground and if so, do other pups have similar injuries
that aren’t healing?
When I walk into the packhouse, Quirin comes jogging over, a rare smile on his face. “Hey gorgeous. Everything
okay?” he asks, leaning in to kiss me.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
| take a moment to enjoy the kiss, relaxing against him and feeling my body already responding to him.
He growls softly as he pulls away. “Did you have a nice day?”
“Well, this Alpha cby and distractedfor a while, but | managed to get swork done,” | tease.
“Hopefully it was a good distraction,” he says, taking my hand and leadingback toward the dining hall.
“The best. Hey, listen, | want to talk to you about something. I...
My words cut off as the howls of alarm go up around the pack.
“Son of a fucking bitch!” Quirin snarls as the packhouse rushes into action.
“Get to a safe room, Kennedy,” he growls as he rushes toward the doors.
“Quirin, | can help...”
“NOW Kennedy! Get to a safe room!” he barks before shifting and racing out the door.
| stare after him until | feel someone tugging on my arm. “Con, Luna. We need to get in a safe room.”
| turn and see Susie holding Samuel in her arms, pullingtoward a safe room. | look around and see the
omegas and the young mothers getting their pups into safe rooms.
“GO! I'm right behind you!” | say. | don’t have the full pack link yet, so I'm not sure if anyone is taking the lead to
make sure everyone is in a safe room.
| can hear the sounds of the fighting getting closer outside as | hear a safe room door slam and lock across the
“Luna, please!” Susie
behind me.
“Is anyone else coming?” | shout above the chaos as | hear another safe room door slam shut and lock.
| step back, ready to close the door when | hear someone cry ou
a young mother says, her newborn clutched to her chest.
| wait until she’s inside before slamming the door shut and throwing the lock. | turn and look at the scared faces
surrounding me. It’s been years since | was in a safe room. In my family’s pack, warriors cover the hospital if
there’s an attack so the medical staff can treat the injured.
There | have a purpose. Here, the scent of fear feels like it's about to choke me.