Chapter 134
I've been excited to see Kennedy all day. I've never been so distracted, so desperate to be with someone. But
her love, her light, just fillswith happiness and | want more of it.
‘I definitely want more of it,” Raif purrs in my head.
“Tonight. Tonight we can take our time, explore her body and then bask in her light again?
‘We need to take Echo out again. This twhen | catch her, I'll be mating her, Raif says, growling possessively.
“You realize that’s counter-productive to what we're trying to accomplish, right? She’s not going to run hard if
you're just going to mate her every tyou catch her, | tell him.
‘I have a feeling my little Alpha mate will wantto work for it,” he purrs.
Warrior training seemed to go on and on and | was almost disappointed when Kennedy wasn’t waiting for me
when | got done. | could tell when | reached out that she was distracted, trying to work through something. Since
she’s in the hospital, | have no idea what could be so distracting, but it doesn’t matter. The moment | smell her
sweet citrus and mint scent, | have to taste her.
| have a moment to enjoy her teasingabout distracting her today when the alarms go up.
ALPHA JASPER IS ATTACKING!‘ my patrols yell in the pack link.
‘ALPHA BROGAN IS ATTACKING TOO!" | hear another group of patrols say.
‘Ill take Brogan, Kier says as | turn to Kennedy and tell her to get to a safe room. She’s not a fighter and | don’t
want her anywhere near these warriors. They'll kill her without a second thought, especially if they know that
she’s my mate.
| don’t have tto argue with her and | need her in a fucking safe room, so | don’t have to worry about her
getting killed. So, before she can argue, I tell her to get in a safe room and then | race outside, shifting as | go,
letting Raif take the lead.
| leap over our warriors as they fight. | don’t see any of my men and women who look like they're struggling so |
keep focused, searching for Jasper. It's only been a week. I'm surprised that he’s recovered enough to attack
again, but maybe that’s why he’s recruited Brogan to attack us too.
When I find him, he’s taking on two of my warriors and slicing large gashes into both of their bodies.
Raif snarls, leaping on him and snapping his teeth at him. We only get fur, but he shakes his head violently,
tearing the fur before his teeth rip out of him. Raif spins, meeting Jaspers wolf head on as the two of them
scratch and snap at each other. Jasper’s a good fighter. He fights dirty like I do, which is why we’ve struggled to
defeat him when he’s attacked us in the past.
We've been fighting for a while when | hear the howl of retreat go up.
‘Brogan’s retreating,” Kier says, just as Jasper pulls away fromand howls his own retreat. | chase him,
following him off our pack lands, but there are too many of them, coming from all directions and | don’t want to
get caught, surrounded and unable to defend myself against so many attacking wolves.
| howl the end of the battle and our victory as I return to the pack.
‘Kennedy?’ | say, reaching out to make sure she’s okay.
09:2 gat, & Fet
Chapter 134
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt
Is it safe to cout?’ she asks.
‘Yes,’ | say, feeling exhausted. Jasper picked a good tto attack, right after two hours of warrior training and
before we could eat. I'm tired but | need to check on the pack.
I'll go to the hospital. Send anyone who needs to be treated,’ she says.
| don’t have the heart to tell her that no one is going to go to the hospital. I'm sure she can stitch up my
warriors, but they'd rather eat and get ssleep while letting their wolves heal them than go get treated at
the hospital.
could go see her,’ Raif says.
need to make sure we don’t have any warriors whose injuries are too bad. If they are, I'll send them over to
Kennedy. | on’t know what she can do, but we'll see. | didn’t feel any links break, but | want to check in with Kier
and see how it went with Brogan.
When | get back to the packhouse, my Beta looks like shit and I tell him so.
“You should see the other guy,” he says, makinglaugh.
He and | go around checking our pack members, making sure that no one is too terribly injured before sending
them in to get food and rest.
When I finally get to our room, | see that Kennedy isn’t back yet.
‘We should go see her,’ Raif says.
‘Let's shower first, and if she’s not back by then, we'll go get her,’ | say, stepping into the hot shower and letting
the heat of the water soak into my sore, tired body.
Kier POV
That Alpha nearly kicked my ass. He's a strong bastard, I'll give him that. My body aches as | go through the
pack, making sure that everyone is okay and when Alpha says that he’s heading upstairs to shower, | go find
| mind linked her the moment the call cup that we were under attack telling her to get to a safe room. Then
I'd checked to make sure she was actually in one, and when the other packs retreated and the pack lands were
clear, I'd reached out letting her know that it was safe to cout.
| find her in the kitchen working hard to put food back out for the warriors to eat. We're all used to being sore
and injured after a battle but | know that smelling her gentle, calming scent will help Rowd healfaster.
When | see her, her eyes widen and she sets her platter of food down, rushing over to me. | know | shouldn't, I'm
covered in blood, but I pull her towith the arm that isn’t aching and bury my face in her hair.
“You're injured,” she says, pulling back and lookingover. | haven't looked at myself. | just know that I hurt all
“I'm okay. Being with you helps,” | say smiling.
“Luna’s at the hospital. You should go see her,” she says.
“I'm fine, Arianna. Really.”
She looks up at me, her lips trembling. “Please. Will you go for me? I'll go with you,” she says, her eyes welling
with tears.
“Shhh, Arianna...”
09:43 Sat, 8 Feb
Chapter 134
“Please, Kier.”
“Alright. Ill go.”
“Giveone second. I'll go with you,” she says, bolting back into the kitchen. I hear her telling one of the other
omegas that she needs to help someone and then she’s back. | notice that she didn’t tell them that it was me.
I'm not sure if that’s because she isn’t yet ready to let everyone know what she is to me, or if she didn’t want to
make it look like | was injured.
We walk over to the hospital together, avoiding the main road. | may be willing to do this for my mate, but that
an that | want the others to see me. They might get the wrong impression that my wolf isn’t able to heal me,
which isn’t
ase. Rowd is still a strong and capable Beta wolf.
en we walk in, I'm not surprised that I’m the only one here.
“Beta Kier,” Luna Kennedy says walking up toquickly, lookingover in a way that makes her look like she
knows what the fuck she’s doing. It actually makes her seem more mature than her eighteen years.
“Can you help him, Luna?” Arianna asks, her voice still trembling.
“Of course | can. Con back.”
“I really don’t think this is necessary, Luna. Rowd will healovernight,” | say, following her to a room. | notice
that there's a new table in this room, one of the ones that she ordered and | approved.
Luna Kennedy turns and looks at me. “Beta Kier, is there a reason you want to make your wolf work harder than
he needs to?”
The question takesoff guard. “Well ... no.”
“Good, then sit on the table and letlook you over,” she says, taking a towel and draping it over my lap when
I sit.
‘I like her,” Rowd says approvingly.
“Your shoulder’s dislocated,” she says.
“Yes, Rowd is healing the gash on my leg before getting to the shoulder.”
She puts on sgloves and leans over my leg, looking at the wound.
“Is it healing, Rowd?” she asks my wolf.
“Yes, Luna,” he answers, watching her curiously.
“Okay, that’s good. I'm going to take a swab anyway,” she says. | have no idea what she’s talking about, but
She finishes lookingover, evaluating all of the gashes that | have. “Stay put, I'll be right back.”
When she steps out, Arianna comes to stand in front of me. “Thank you for doing this for me.”
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
| gently stroke her cheek. “I would do just about anything for you, and not just because you make the best
desserts I've ever tasted in my life,” | say, making her laugh.
When Luna Kennedy walks back in, | let my hand drop. | notice that my Luna sees the gesture, but doesn’t say
anything and for once, Arianna doesn’t seem skittish that someone saw us together. Interesting.
“Rowd, you're still healing the gash on our leg?” she asks him.
09:43 Sat, 8 Feb
Chapter 134
“Yes, Luna,” he tells her.
“Okay, I'm going to swab these, and stitch up the other ones. Then I'm going to put your shoulder back into
place, Beta. If after all of that the gash on your leg isn’t healed, Ill stitch it up too.”
| watch her as she swabs all of my gashes, including the one on my leg. Then she begins cleaning my wounds
and stitching them up.
“Those are sclean stitches, Luna,” | say, impressed with how quickly and confidently she’s closing up the
“I've been stitching up warriors since | was ten, Beta. I'm pretty adept at it now,” she says, glancing up at me.
“Ten?” Arianna asks. I'm just as surprised as she is.
“You know my mother runs a teaching hospital, right? Our warriors didn’t mindpracticing on them. And my
mother is a great instructor.”
“She’s a great doctor too, from what Alpha Quirin says,” | say.
“She is. | hope to be as good a doctor as her one day,” she says.
Almost before I'm ready, she tellsto lie down so she can put my shoulder back into place.
“Rowd, don’t fight against me. | need both of you to relax and letmanipulate your arm,” she says.
| close my eyes and take a breath. Dislocations always hurt going back in, even when Rowd does it. Arianna
takes my free hand and squeezes it.
“Ready, Beta?” Luna Kennedy asks.
When I nod, she moves my arm. | grit my teeth against the pain, fighting to keep my arm relaxed. | hear and feel
it pop back into place.
“Alright, Rowd, it’s all yours now,” she tells him, moving to the gash on my thigh. “How about I just finish closing
this up for- you?” she asks, looking up at me.
“Thank you, Luna,” Rowd replies. She smiles and within a few minutes, I'm done.
“There you go. Rowd should have you back to normal by tomorrow morning.”
| realize that he’s already healingfaster because the wounds are closed.
“Thanks, Luna. | appreciate it,” | tell her.
“Any time. Letknow if you have any problems or if you think one of them is getting infected,” she says.
“I will.”
As we walk out, | turn and look back at Luna Kennedy as she cleans up the room. I'm not sure our Alpha realizes
just how lucky we are to have her here.