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The Pack's Doctor by Cooper

Chapter 159
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Chapter 159

*#*Slight Trigger Warning References to sexual abuse


Ever since my Luna ceremony and my discussion with Quirin, | feel like things have gotten better in our

relationship. Our bond feels stronger and while he still keeps his mind mostly closed off to me, he’s much more

affectionate at night when it’s just the two of us. Well, he’s becquite affectionate in the mornings too,

wakingbefore warrior training in the best possible way.

This morning is no different. My body is humming with the pleasure that only Quirin can give me. | love knowing

that he tries so hard to maintain control but eventually, that carefully held control snaps and his thrusts inside

control faster. He doesn’t treatlike I'm breakable or delicate when he loses control. He takesin the hard,

rough way that is all Quirin

So, when | nip at his throat and | feel his body quiver as his control begins to break, | smile and ignore the

warning tone when he says my name. Instead, | bite down more firmly until he’s pinningto the bed

underneath him, pulling my legs up to take him deeper and givingeverything he has to give.

| love feeling the walls and the bed shake with his roar of pleasure as my body clamps around his and his body

responds, shooting the warm jets of his cum into my body.

“You are going to be the death of me, Little Pup,” he growls, and | giggle underneath him.

“You think that’s funny?” he asks, lifting up to look at my face.

“What a beautiful death it would be. It's not the worst way to go out,” | say, running my fingers over his chiseled

features. | know it's what gives him the broody, dangerous look that most see. For me, it's the look of my

handsmate, especially when his eyes are soft like they are now.

“Hmm, I'm not ready to leave this world or you, just yet,” he says, running his nose over my jaw and making my

body flutter around him again.

His deep growl of happiness reverberates throughas he lifts his head and looks at the clock.

“I don’t have tfor another round. Save that thought for later.”

He slides out ofand gets up, heading for the shower. | turn on my side and prop my head on my hand as |

watch him make his way to the bathroom.

“What are you staring at?” he asks, not looking back.

“Your fantastic ass,” | say, unashamed that I'm ogling my mate.

Now he turns and looks at me, smiling a rare smile before shaking his head and walking into the bathroom.

I hop out of bed and follow him. When | step into the shower, he washes the soap off his face and looks at me.

“You're playing a dangerous game, Little Pup,” he growls softly.

“I've never been afraid of you, Quirin,” | tell him, sliding my hands over his chest.

“I've created a monster, haven't I?”

“Are you complaining?” | ask, looking up at him through my lashes.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Don’t say | didn’t warn you,” he growls before liftingup and pressingagainst the shower wall as he

thrusts inside me.


4 Mar


Chapter 159

I wrap my arms and legs around him, lifting my neck to him as he plunges into toover and over again. He

bites down on my neck, his arms on either side ofagainst the wall as he maintains his punishing pace while |

take everything that he’s giving me.

“You'd better fucking come, Little Pup. | want to feel that tight pussy clenching aroundwhile | empty myself

inside you.” he growls and his voice is so raw, so visceral that my body instantly responds.

“Oh, you're such a good fucking mate,” he growls his body jerking as he loses control. He grabs my hips

thrusting intotwo more times before he slaps one hand against the wall, roaring his release again.

1 purr against his throat, proud that I've once again made my mate lose control with me.

He shakes his head against my neck. “You're right about one thing,” he pants,

“What's that?” | ask, my own breaths still coming in ragged succession.

“If 1 die like this, it would so be worth it,” he says, makinglaugh. “Now, you naughty girl, | need to go kick

swarrior ass. I'll see you tonight?”

“You know it.”

“Good,” he says, pulling out ofand kissing my nose before quickly washing himself off and getting out of the


| take more time, washing my hair and body before finally getting ready to go to the hospital. When I'm done, |

head downstairs to get something to eat before heading to work.

“Luna, have you seen Christy? She hasn’t shown up this morning and she isn’t in her room,” Arianna says.

“I'm just coming downstairs. Has anyone seen her?” | ask.

“No, Luna, not since yesterday,” Susie says.

“Maybe she broughtbreakfast early this morning, thinking I'd be at the hospital by now. When you find her,

letknow,” | tell them, grabbing a breakfast sandwich and heading to the hospital.

My thoughts turn back to Quirin and this morning and how I feel like maybe, just maybe we've turned a corner in

our relationship.

Now that the hospital showers are complete, Lane doesn’t have to stick withat all hours. Quirin agreed that

he could return to warrior training this morning before joiningat the hospital. | smile remembering our


“You know Quirin wantsto have a personal guard, right Lane?”

“Yes, Luna.”

“I know it’s not very exciting, but | was wondering if you would like the position. You can say no, of course. |

wouldn't hold it against you,” I'd said.

He'd frowned at me. “Luna, you realize that the Luna Guard is a highly respected position in the pack, right? It's

basically at the slevel as a Beta, maybe even a bit higher. | would be honored to be your Luna Guard.”

That had madesmile and I've found Lane to be a wonderful companion. He helpedto unpack the medical

supplies as they arrive and he askedquestions about my education and knowledge of the medical field. In

the few days since he’s taken on his new role, he and | have becwhat | would consider friends.

When | walk into the hospital, | see that another shipment arrived. | squeal a little when | see my new x-ray

machine is among the other supplies here.

| begin to walk back to the storage room ready to make room for my new machine when the smell hits me.



13:03 Tue, 4 Mar G M

Chapter 159

Echo lifts our nose in the air and | race to where | can smell it. When | get to the brand new showers, | stop dead

in my tracks. There, slumped against the wall, is Christy and she’s covered in blood.


“Christy!” | say, racing toward her. She’s got a black eye, fingerprints around her throat, and blood in various

stages of drying between her legs.

“I've got you. I've got you,” | say as | carefully slide one arm around her waist and the other under her knees.

She begins sobbing. “Luna.”

“I'm here. I'm here,” | say, moving as fast as | can to get her to one of the rooms. I've just walked out when

Deborah walks into the hospital, her eyes going wide.

“What happened?” she asks.

I'm pretty sure | know.

“Christy needs medical attention. | need you to get these items from the storage room and meetin Room

Two,” | say to her.

When | get her there, | put her on the bed. She continues to hold herself in a ball as if the pain of stretching out

is too much for her.

“Who did this to you, Christy?”

Her mournful cry breaks my heart.

“Was it Arlo?” | ask softly and she nods.

“Why didn’t you link me?” | ask her as | remove what's left of her clothes.

“He threatened to kill you if | did.” Her voice is raspy, whether because he forced himself into her mouth or

because he damaged her voice box while squeezing her neck, possibly both.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Rage unlike anything I've ever felt before boils inside me, but | shove it down. There will be tlater forto

unleash my fury. Right now, Christy needs me.

“I'm going to take care of you, Christy,” | say, gently taking her face in my hands as Deborah comes in with

everything | need. “Do you trust me?”

She nods. “Don’t leavealone. | don’t want to be alone.”

“I won't. | promise. I’m going to put you under because | need to operate on you, okay? You're bleeding internally

and | need to stitch up your wounds. But | won't leave you and if | have to step out, I'll leave Deborah with you,

okay?” | stay in her line of sight, my eyes focused on hers, and my voice calm, hoping that it will help her to stay


“Luna, do you wantto put the IV in?” Deborah asks.

“We're going to put you under now, Christy, but I'll make sure you're never alone, okay?”

“I'm so sorry, Luna,” she says, the tears streaking past her temples.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, Christy. I'm sorry that | wasn’t here to protect you,” | say to her as her eyes

begin to droop.

| brush her hair away from her face and once her body goes slack, | begin laying her out on the bed.

“Luna, tellthat she wasn’t ...” Deborah begins, looking up atwith tears in her eyes.

“We don’t have tfor tears right now, Deborah. We need to save her life. She’s been bleeding out all night.”


13:03 Tue, 4 Mar

Chapter 169

Deborah takes a deep breath and nods, pulling her tears back.

“Let's get her washed off. | need to know what we're dealing with,” | say.

“LUNA!” Lane says with an urgency to his voice that let'sknow he smelled the blood.

“Start washing her body,” | say to Deborah, walking out of the room.

“Lane, I'm right here,” | say and he comes running from the showers, lookingover as if unsure if that was my


“What happened? Whose blood is that?”

“Christy's. | have to get into surgery.”

“I'll let Alpha know,” he begins.

“NO!” I snarl, “I will handle this when I'm done.”

I'm not sure what he sees in my eyes or feels in my aura, but he nods. “Yes, Luna. What can | do to help?”

“If you want to unpack those boxes, you can. If | need you for anything else, I'll let you know.”

| turn, walking back into the room to save this sweet girl.