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The Pack's Doctor by Cooper

Chapter 165
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☐☐ 42%- Chapter 165 Chapter 165 Kennedy I wake up alone, in my bedroom. I listen, but don't hear Quirin anywhere in our room. I notice that it's dark outside and I must have slept through the afternoon into the evening. When I sit up, I see that I'm in Quirin's t- shirt. As frustrated as I am with him, I can't help but smile. He's taking care of me, even though I'm angry and even though I've pushed him away. It's the side of Quirin that no one else sees, the side that only I ever get to see. The soft side of Quirin.

Damn, I can already feel my heart softening toward him.

I look down and rub my stomach. We need to have a conversation very soon about this pup I'm carrying. I have no idea if that will make things worse between us, but Quirin has a right to know.

I sigh, getting out of bed. I feel weak and nauseous, but I know I need to eat something. It's been almost two days since I've eaten and now I know I'm eating for two. I brush my hair, putting it in a messy bun, brush my teeth, wash my face and get dressed. I don't feel back to normal, but I do feel better.

When I open the door to the bedroom, I can smell the food. It doesn't smell as bad as it did earlier which is good. I make my way to the kitchen and see the omegas standing around looking anxious.

"How are you feeling, Luna?" Susie asksas another omega goes to the fridge and pulls out ssmall bites of food. I don't know how they know it's what I need, but I'm grateful.

"Weak. I need food. Thank you so much," I say, taking a bite of a cracker. My stomach immediately begins growling and I take another bite, adding a slice of cheese this time.

"Can we please go back to work, Luna?" Arianna asks me.

"It's been awful watching them try to figure out how to cook," another omega says.

I look around, frowning. "They didn't exactly leave the kitchen clean, did they?" "Well, Luna, if we had gone to warrior training, you wouldn't have expected us to take down a warrior in our first couple of days, right?" Susie asks me.

"They did the best they knew how to do. It's not like they've ever done this before," another omega says.

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I look at them and they're all nodding. I.smile, ducking my head. "Thank you,” I say.

"For what?" Arianna asks.

"For remindingthat I'm not the mean, awful, uncaring Luna that they thought they wanted. Strength comes in all shapes and sizes, not just in how strong of a punch you can throw. I hope the pack has at least learned that lesson in the last couple of days," I say.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure they have," Susie says. "They were really hungry tonight." "So can we, Luna? Can we please make food that's edible. It's been so painful to watch them." "Yes. I'll go tell them that you're ready to get back to work," I say. Rather than walking out, I open my arms and they all cto hug me.

"I love you all. Please, please, if anyone is ever harassing you, if anyone threatens to hurt you, I don't care what they say they will do to me, you linkright away. I will be there. I will make sure that nothing like what happened to Christy happens again." "Thank you, Luna." 1/4 16:25 Sat, 8 Mar M Chapter 165 "We love you too, Luna." ☐☐ 42% +13 They all murmur something similar and I hold everyone in the hug for a moment before heading to the dining hall.

I'm not sure if they want to see the warriors' reactions, or if they are showing solidarity, but they all followinto the dining hall. The room goes quiet and for the first tever, it feels like the pack is scared of me.

"What's going on?" I ask the omegas quietly.

"Alpha told them that if you don't like them, he doesn't like them," Susie says.

"And if you want them gone, they're out of the pack," Arianna says.

"They're all afraid that you don't like them and that they'll get kicked out of the pack, Luna." I take a deep breath, seeing Quirin walk in from the back of the room. He comes to stand beside me, but he doesn't say anything. I turn my focus to the pack.

"I don't dislike any of you. I know I said svery harsh things the other day and in sways, I meant everything I said. You all do not act like a pack should. A pack should be an extension of your family. I know you love your mates and your pups, but you should love your pack almost as much and you don't. You all act as though you are individuals living in a group setting. But that's not what this is. A pack should be a family. We should all love each other, take care of each other, protect each other from anyone who would harm someone in this pack, even if that person is part of this pack. That is what a pack should be. That is the kind of pack that I want to be a Luna of. I want you all to recognize that everyone in this pack has strengths. Do not assthat my kindness is weakness. It is not. Others may not have physical strength, but their strengths may be the foundation that allows you, as warriors, to be the strong fighters that you are. You shouldn't look down on the omegas because they aren't fighters. You should recognize that without them, you don't eat. And if you don't eat, you get weak and you're no good to anyone." I turn and look at my omegas, who all look like they are standing proudly at attention. "Your pack members, the omegas, remindedthat I am not the hardcore Luna that you all thought you wanted. I am, at heart, a kind, loving person. But I will not tolerate the abuse of anyone in my pack. I don't care how old you are or what your relationship is to the person, you don't hurt your family and everyone here is family. That is what I want. That is what I expect. And you can thank your omegas for practically beggingto allow them to cook for you again," I say, getting a lot of sighs of relief and 'yes' comments from around the room.

"I require that you rise the level of my expectation. This pack needs to change, and it starts at the top," I say, looking at Quirin. He nods, looking and acting like we are in complete agreement.

"So that is what I want. I want this pack to start acting like a family. And if your omegas are willing, they can cook you something that is more easily digested than whatever it is that you cooked for tonight." "Thank you, Luna!" "We won't let you down, Luna." "We promise that we'll make you proud, Luna," the warriors say. Their tone remains muted, but I can feel their determination to makeproud.

I turn and look at Quirin.

"Did you eat?" he asks before I can say anything.

"A little." "Eat smore. Are you going to check on Christy? The omegas made sure that she was never alone," he says.

I turn and smile at them as they make their way back to the kitchen, already talking about what they can make quickly.

"I need to make sure that she's okay." 2/4 16:25 Sat, 8 Mar M Chapter 165 "Are you coming back here tonight? Or should I plan to sleep in the hospital again?" "I'll cback here." He nods. "We need to talk, but it can wait until you've had food and checked on Christy." I nod. "Thank you, for bathingand puttingto bed." "You're welcome. You're my mate. I love you, even if you're angry with me." $☐☐ 42%- +13 I walk to him and let him wrapin his arms. I take a deep breath. I don't know what he needs to tell me, but I know what I need to tell him.

"We'll talk when I get back." When I step back, he takes my hands. "Letknow if you need anything." I nod and start to walk out, only to have Susie push sfood in my hands. "I know you probably don't want to eat, but just take bites as you can, Luna," she says.

When I get to the hospital, I find Deborah sitting with Christy.

"How is she doing?" I ask, going to look at her vitals during the tI was asleep.

"She hasn't woken up yet, Luna. How are you doing?" she asks me.

I nod. "I need to eat and regain my strength, but ... I'm better now," I say, taking a bite of the sandwich Susie gave me. Peanut butter and jelly. It's perfect.

I feel Deborah cup behindand wrap her arms around me. "We really do love you, Luna. I didn't realize how much we needed you in this pack, but we do. Thank you for not giving up on us," she says.

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I press my hands against hers. "I'm not really one to give up. As much as I am my mother's daughter, I still have quite a bit of my father in me," I say.

"Oh, we know. That angry show of power you gave the warriors after what happened to Christy reminded everyone in the pack that you are a true Alpha female. But, you're also one of the most loving and caring women I've ever had the privilege of knowing. I've watched you treat and heal pups and warriors alike. It's madewant to be a better nurse. I ... I even signed up for one of the classes at your brother's pack so I can attend your mother's class." I turn and look at her. "You did?" She nods. "Do you think that's stupid?" "Absolutely not! I hope you like it and take more classes. I need all the help I can get around here." She smiles and hugsagain. "Thanks, Luna.” "Anytime," I say before stepping back. "So, Christy is stable, how is Lillian?"

"Also stable Luna. She's been getting stronger throughout the afternoon and evening and I did whạtɑ always you do and asked her wolf how she was doing. She said she was see e getting stronger and is healing Lillian." "That's great! Well done, Deborah. Who is staying with Christy tonight? I told Quirin that I would go talk with him later." "We have a rotation. Don't worry, Christy won't wake up alone." "Thank you and please make sure you alertthe minute she wakes up. Even if I'm asleep, I want to ccheck on her." 3/4 16:25 Sat, 8 Mar MD.

Chapter 165 "Yes, Luna." I check on Lillian who is doing very well and then on her son, who they named Titus. He is also doing very well.

"I'll csee you in the morning and if all goes well overnight, I'll release you first thing." "Thank you, Luna.” Once again, Terrance followsout of the room.


"Luna, I heard what you said to the other warriors. I want you to know ΟΠΙ that I think you're right. None of us cfrom packs that were good or treated each other as family. Here, we've just created a pack that was similar to what we knew. We aren't a family, but we're willing to learn. Hopefully, you're willing to teach us?" he says. "If you're willing to learn, I'm willing to teach," I tell him.

"Thanks, Luna. I'm looking forward to seeing what this pack will becwith your guidance.”

I feel better as I walk out of the pack hospital. However, I need to prepare myself for my conversation with Quirin. So, rather than going straight back to the packhouse I carefully make my way to the overhang. It's one of the first places that Quirin broughtwhen I arrived here and I've taken every possible opportunity to chere to relax and think when I've had time. I sit, looking out over the lights in the city far away. The moon is shining brightly and the stars are painting the sky. It's very quiet out here, far away from the packhouse.

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath and that's when I hear it, the scoffing sound of something on the sheer face of the overhang.

'KENNEDY RUN!' Echo screams in my head, ready to pull the shift just as several hooded figures leap over the edge of the cliff. They graband one of them slaps something over my mouth.

I try to open the mind link to Quirin, but it's closed as usual. As I breathe in the sweet smelling liquid on the cloth covering my nose and mouth, I'm not strong enough to push it open.

"Hello, Luna. We finally meet. I'm Alpha Jasper and you're coming with me." It's the last thing I see and hear before the chloroform pullsunder.

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