Chapter 179 92% 658 Quirin I spent stcelebrating Kier's and Arianna's mate bond with the pack, a celebration that continued even after they went upstairs. The pack is excited and happy. It's such a different feeling, something I'm so unused to that I feel a bit lost without Kennedy here to helpnavigate through it.
"I need to head htomorrow, Alpha Quirin. Now that I know my sister is safe, I need to return to my pack. But I'm only a phone call away if you ever needor the pack. I'd also like you to know that you have an open invitation to my pack. Not only are you my sister's mate, but now we're allies. You're welcany time," Connor says.
"Thank you. When things settle, maybe I can bring Kennedy for a visit. A real one this time. I think she'd like that," I say.
"Are you going to cvisittoo, Q? Maybe for more than a day?" Henry asks.
"Yeah, yeah, we'll csee you, too. I need to deal with Slater and Kennedy needs to heal. And I also need to figure out how to clean my pack lands. It was a problem before, but now that Kennedy's is pregnant, I have no intention of letting anything put my pup at risk." "Did you get the information that I sent you on that?" Alpha Warren asks.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"I did. You're right, it's expensive, which isn't the biggest issue. It's the tit will take to clear the lands. It looks like it will work, but I just need to find tand men to do it," I tell him.
"I'm willing to stay and take that on for you, if you'll accept my assistance," Alpha Warren says.
"You want to helpclean out my pack lands?” I ask. It's going to be an arduous task and very time- consuming.
He smiles looking at Connor. The two share a knowing look. "I've been struggling with stepping down as Alpha. After so many years of running a pack, I feel a little lost. I've been trying to find something to take up my tand givespurpose and this would do it, but it would mean that Yara and I would be here a lot and so would our younger pups. I know that's a lot, but in return, I would handle the silver clean up. I'd make sure it was safe for you and your pack, and I could report to you as often as you'd like on the progress or any problems that arise." It's more than I would have ever asked for and it means I can focus on other things while he manages that for me. I know I can trust him, not only because he's Kennedy's father, but he's an Alpha who understands the need to protect his pack.
"Having you here longer would make Kennedy very happy," I say, thinking of her excitement at having her family here. "And it would give the pack an opportunity to get to know you in a different way. It would give them tto cto terms with what happened all those years ago and if they can't, then I'll know that they need to find a new pack. My Gamma floor is empty. I never assigned anyone to the Gamma position because the pack was so small that Kier and I were able to manage it on our own. Lately, I've been reconsidering that, but for now, that floor is vacant and available for you and your family, if that works for you." "That would be fantastic. And if you do select a Gamma, my family and I can move to any rooms that are close together," he says.
"You know Quirin, Mom and Dad have their own house on our pack lands. Before I took over as Alpha, Dad recognized that Madison and I would need the Alpha floor for ourselves and our pups. It gave Dad sdistance from the pack, but I think it also gives them their own space. If they're going to be coming and going between our packs, it might be worthwhile for you to allow them to build their own house here, if you're willing," Connor says.
I look at Alpha Warren. "Would you like that? That way you'd have our own space and you and your family could lea Our things here instead of constantly living out of suitcases." Luna Yara reaches out to put a hand on Warren's arm. “I could help Kennedy with her medical school from here, so she doesn't have to travel to our pack. It would make it easier with a small pup and I could go back and forth if you had to stay here," she says, then turns to me. “That's a very generous offer, Alpha Quirin." 1/3 92% Chapter 179 I shrug, as always, feeling embarrassed by her praise.
"Alpha Warren would be working hard to get this pack safe again. I think his offer is more generous than mine. But just know, we don't have a lot of pups in this pack. We have some, but Yana, Wade, and Yvonne won't have as many pups here to hang out with. We don't have any older teenagers yet, so there would be no one here for Wendy and Yorick, I say, "It would be good for the younger ones to see how other packs run. There's no guarantee that they will stay in Connor's pack, especially my daughters once they find their mates. Knowing how different packs operate can only help them as they get older. And Yorick and Wendy are old enough that they can stay in Connor's pack if they choose to, or only chere for short periods of time," Alpha Warren says.
"We can look around the pack lands tomorrow. We can begin our assessment of where the silver has the highest concentration while we look to see if there is an area that you'd like to build a house. The only place that's off limits is the overhang. That's Kennedy's favorite part of the pack and I want it to remain open for her, although I need to set up ssecurity measures to make sure no one else ever sneaks up that cliff face,” I say.
"I can help you with that too," Warren says excitedly. I watch Luna Yara smile at him. I'm sure she can feel his happiness and excitement at having a job again. I'm guessing she was worried about him and now, that worry is easing. This will make my mate happy and Luna Yara happy. It's a win-win for me.
"I'm going to check in with my patrols and then go be with Kennedy. Let's meet tomorrow after I have Kennedy settled and fed and we can begin our walk around the pack lands," I tell him, standing.
Warren stands too. "Thank you, Alpha Quirin.” I look at him a moment, making a decision that I never thought I would. "We're family, Alpha Warren. You should callQuirin. That goes for you too, Luna, and you Alpha Connor." "About fucking time," Henry mumbles. I give him a look, but he doesn't look repentant at all.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmSuddenly, Luna Yara wraps her arms aroundin a happy embrace. "I always wanted more children. My mate toldno, but now I have another son."
Somehow, her words and her love feel so much like a mother's, that wrap my arms around her and let her hold me. She and Farrah have a different way of mothering, but both are very effective. "I've never told you no about pups or anything else in our life together, Yara." I can't see him, but I hear the exasperation in Warren's voice.
When she pulls back, Luna Yara has the naughtiest grin I've ever seen on her face. "Good, because maybe I do want another pup," she says.
Connor barks out a laugh. "You walked right into that one, Dad." "We'll talk," Warren says, coming to wrap his arm around his mate's waist. "And as for what you said, Quirin, yes, we're family. So please, callWarren."
I say goodnight to everyone, then check on the patrols, making sure they're all running smoothly and have ng qoncerns. Y let them know that they need to wakeif there's a problem and leave Kier alone tonight, before heading to my room.
When I step in, I take a deep breath of Kennedy's citrus and mint scent.
Between our arguments, the issues with Christy and Lillian and then her e apduction, Her scent in our bedroom had gotten weak. Now, it's strong again and I smile, quickly stripping out of my clothes and climbing into bed with my mate, pulling her againstand loving the way to snuggles into my embrace, even in her sleep. "I love you, Kennedy," I say, before falling into my own deep, peaceful sleep.